A day trip to the Korpo Sea Jazz Festival with the Jazzbus
Turku-Korpo-Turku on Friday 26.7.2024
Tickets 108€ (includes the bus trip and three concerts)
Enroll: mellbergbosse@gmail.com
13.00 Departure from Turku, Linnankatu 16 (Turku Kansallinen Kirjakauppa)
14.30 Bus in Korppoo. Lunch at Restaurant Buffalo (not included in the price)
17.00 Korppoo church: Riikka Keränen Group
19.00 Korpo Gård: Maja Mannila Trio feat. Mikko Antila
21.30 Forest concert on the Barefoot Path: Anssi Tirkkonen & Severi Sorjonen: the Pulse of the Forest
23.10 The bus leaves Korppoo
01.00 Bus arrives in Turku, Linnankatu 16
The bus transports in Korpo, but please note the short walking distances between the concert venues (for example, there is about a 300-meter walk along the nature trail to the forest concert). Unfortunately, the concert venues are not accessible.
We organize a bus transport from Turku to the festival on Friday 26.7.2024. Save your seat in the jazzbus by sending email to mellbergbosse@gmail.com by 10.7. If there are not enough participants by July 10th, the trip will have to be canceled. We will notify about the trip’s confirmation before July 14th.
Check out this summers program