Korpo Sea Jazz 2023 is part of Finnish jazz history


“As I write this, more than two months have passed since the Korpo Sea Jazz festival. As I told the audience at the opening, we have two financially catastrophic years behind us, which is why we had a feeling of uncertainty regarding the ticket sales for 2023. We stated last fall that we cannot risk that 2023 will also be a financially bad year, which is why we decided to shorten the festival by one day. This meant that the number of events decreased by three concerts and one jam session.

Our decision turned out to be the right one. All concerts were sold out and we got more or less the same ticket sales revenue as the year before. Since our expenses in 2023 were significantly lower than a year earlier, this means that we will break even this year.

We are convinced that the program designed by Nina Mya appealed to our audience and the variety of concerts attracted to purchase a ticket. Organizing a charter bus trip was an experiment for this year. No fewer than 25 jazz diggers from Turku participated in the trip and the three concerts included in the package on July 21. It is very likely that the JazzBuss trip will also be included in the 2024 program.

This year it was also possible to answer our questionnaire. We received 35 responses. It is impossible to go through the answers in depth here, but it can be stated that we are doing things right. The high quality of the program, modern jazz, intimate concert venues and jazz are in the center. The negative issues dealt with transportation between concert venues, wishes for better signage, and scheduling problems on the final day in Korpoström. We have addressed these issues and will make improvements!

Now the last documents of this year’s Korpo Sea Jazz are on the desk while we are planning the 2024 program.”

Thank you for 2023 and greetings!
Boss Mellberg
Korpo Jazz rf – Korppoo Jazz association